The Title itself has 2 Interpretation
First, no artificial pandan green colour is added to my chiffon cake.
Second, my chiffon cake turned out 'zero' pandan colour too! I , erm... I learned something from this cake.
a. Try not to use omega-eggs in making this cake, because the strong orange yolk tint my pandan green away!
b. Must squeeze as much as green-extract from the fresh pandan leave as possible, not like me, I m too lazy, due to I dont have a pestle&mortar! (mum has broke hers!) and I am , doing a silly job in extracting the Green!! ( look at the picture). I put my leaves into the blender, then I lightly cook the leaves with the coconut milk, then trying hard to sieve them. A very tiring job and yet the results not so good! Next must get a pestle&mortar.

c. Now , I can tell that 101% those pandan cake selling in the stores are using artificial colour. It is really not easy to get a nice-green colour from a fresh leaves, so T u done a good job ! urs are really beautiful!
I replaced the coconut powder&milk with tin coconut milk. Again I realise use fresh coconut milk will be better.
The cake turned out soft & moist (moisture than my previous greenTea chiffon cake) despite in pale colour!
I baked at 160C for 50 minutes only instead of an hour. my oven is on the 'hotter' side... so have to reduce a bit, otherwise, the whole cake will be dry ! ( see, I learn another tips here)
Please click at Terri's recipe
I used a blender to extract the juice from the pandan leaves, lots of leaves but only little water, so mine is very greenish, try it....
yes, i smtimes blend it with the milk 7 extract the liquid using a muslin cloth. ur pandan chiffon cake looks moister than mine:)
ok oK! Thanks for the tips! TQ TQ Tai-Tai .lolz~!
Its quite easy Denise to get the green.Chop the leaves in small pieces and then blend with some water. if the leaves hancur you will get a nice greeen colour!:)
Zurin : ha ha , ok, I'll make sure they get in"hancur" status ;p
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