This is actually a 4cm x 1.5 cm ( width X height) Quiche.
Chicken & Cashew Mini Quiches
1 Table spoon cooking oil
1 piece chicken breats, cut into 1 cm cubes
2 ripe tomatoes, cube
2 large eggs
1 cup milk
60g plain flour
salt & pepper & garlic powder
1/2 grated cheddar cheese
2 Tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
60g cashews, chopped
* Marinate the chicken with some salt, pepper & garlic powder for 1 hour or overnite *
a. Preheat the oven to 220C, brush the muffin pan with oil
b. Heat the fying pan with some oil, stir in the chicken, until cooked. Dish up & cool
c. Halve & core the tomatoes, discard the seeds & juice, Dice into 1cm cubes
d. Whish the eggs in a large bowl, add the mil and whisk again. Sift in the flour, some salts..mix well ( note: not too much of salts, because the Cheedar cheese gives some salvoury taste )
e. Add in the chicken, cheese, tomatoes, parsley & cashews, stir well.
f. Spoon the batter* into the pan. Bake for 35 ~ 40 minutes until golden & puffy.
* The Batter *
when u wanna open a restaurant wor? See..u really can cook !!!
haha ... so u actually measure the Quiche! So sad ...
Dear ChickyEgg,
HAPPY Chinese New Year!
I'm Leslie Chia and I am attached to a Web 2.0 firm specialising in Food and Dining contents.
Currently, we are in the midst of publishing a magazine as an offline platform for us to support our online portal, www.bestfoodjunction.com.
I wish to inform you that this article was selected by our editor to be highlighted in our coming magazine issue. Here's the information:
1. Our March issue is related to "International Women's Day." This magazine will be hitting the market in March.
2. This magazine will be distributed in all the major bookstores, i.e. MPH, Kinokuniya, Borders, Times, Popular, MyNews.com, 7-Eleven
3. Your article as well as photos will not be amended as we will keep its originality.
We will furnish you with 10 copies of the magazine for you to share it with your friends.
I appreciate your time and do contact me at this e-dress or at my mobile number if you need more information.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Leslie Chia
Vice President
Integrated Marketing Communication
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