White Fermented Tofu also known as Chinese Cheese! ;D and I called this pasta "Chinese Alfredo Pasta" ! I m using white fermented tofu to make sauce, with some cut chillies and garlic..
Few days back I flipped thru this recipe from a Taiwan cooking book, very innovative & interesting to me. and hey no doubt! it taste good! very creamy. I told my fren karen, she said no thanks, eyeww.. ;p
Use the white fermented tofu
150g pasta
100g minced meat
2 cubes white fermented tofu
3 cloves garlic, minced.
1 chillie, cut
1 green onion, cut
2 T cooking oil
2 T cooking wine
1/2 cup cooking stock
pinch of salt & sugar
a. Prepare a pot with some boiling water, cook the pasta
b. Heat up a cooking pan, drizzle with some oil, pan fry the meat.
c. When the meat turn brown, put in garlic, chillie, onion, mashed fermented tofu, stir a bit, put in stock & wine, sprinkle some salt & sugar .
d. Put in pasta and some blanched beans, continue stir until the sauce almost dry up.
Wow so yummy~~~ I am hungry already!
oh i must try this. we love fermented tofu!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
this looks like something that i would love to eat hehehe..thanks.
kylie: y ur bean so long? lazy to cut? haha....(mom said)
Aggie: ehheheheheh! suddenly I missed Little Italy O
Terri: ah Must try o...if U like "tiu-fu-moi"! ke ke
Anon : ;|
Nee: ha ha, we have the same 'tongue'
Kylie: tell ur mum!!! is meant to be like that! ;p
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